1. To place an order for one or more products on valenti-g.com, you must complete the online order form and submit it electronically following the provided instructions.
2. The order form contains information about the essential features of each product, the price (including applicable taxes and fees), the payment method, and the delivery terms.
3. Your order is deemed submitted when VALENTI G receives the electronic order form, and the order details are confirmed as accurate.
4. Submission of the order form constitutes an obligation to pay the total amount due.
5. Upon receipt of your order form, VALENTI G will process your order.
6. VALENTI G reserves the right not to process orders that are incomplete or incorrect, or if products are out of stock. In such cases, you will be notified via
7. By submitting an order form, you unconditionally accept and agree to these
General Terms and Conditions.
8. Upon entering into an agreement, VALENTI G will send you an email confirming receipt of the order.
9. All purchased products are intended for use in the country from which they were ordered. If you choose to export products to another country, you are responsible for complying with the laws of both the export country and the
import country. VALENTI G is not liable for this.